Always-Actual Digital Permit - Towards Permit 2.0

Making the granting of permits clearer and more accessible. That is the desire shared by the competent authority and businesses when applying for or extending a permit. And one of the tasks under the Environment Act. With the Always-Actual Digital Permit DCMR puts this into practice.

Significance score:


In 2019 DCMR started the programme The Always Current Digital Permit with the province of Zuid-Holland. The aim of this programme is to realise a digital environment in which it is always visible for the province, environmental services, companies and others which rules a particular company must comply with.

Target Group(s):

  • Policy makers
  • HSE managers
  • Supervisors

Risk Theme:

  • Risk | Control | Assurance - Permits | Supervision | Enforcement
Category Publisher Maker Language



DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond
