BRZO+ : Vragenlijst toezichtshouders betreffende ageing

The Brzo 2015 has a provision stating that companies must pay attention to aging of their installations and corrosion. Joint Brzo inspections in 2017 will therefore focus on the theme of Aging (in this context, the English term "Ageing" will be used). The purpose of these Brzo inspections is to examine how companies identify and manage ageing of their installations. The Brzo inspector will ask the company questions about general aspects of ageing within specific management systems in place and if applicable will zoom in on - corrosion under insulation (CUI) - corrosion under fireproofing (CUF) of pipes and installations and - ageing of the fire suppression and cooling water system. To assist Brzo inspectors, a list of questions has been prepared. These questions focus on: (A) how ageing is included in the (safety) policy (B) how the company identifies ageing installations (C) inventories (D) monitors and (E) evaluates The Brzo inspectors of the inspection team make a selection from this questionnaire and adjust the question if necessary. Taking into account the situation of the company to be inspected. The questionnaire is not intended as a checklist that must be gone through from beginning to end. Companies can also use the questionnaire to prepare for the Brzo inspection in a similar way.

Significance score:


Supervisors' questionnaire to consistently inspect ageing aspects of installations

Target Group(s):

  • HSE managers
  • Maintenance managers
  • Operations managers
  • Supervisors

Risk Theme:

  • Process Safety - Asset Integrity Management - General
Category Publisher Maker Language



