OvV report - Chlorine emissions, AKZO Nobel Base Chemicals BV, 27 June 2005

On 27 and 28 June 2005 chlorine leaked into the cooling water at AKZO Nobel Base Chemicals B.V. in Rotterdam through corrosion holes in the Cupro Nickel (copper/nickel, CuNi) pipe material of a heat exchanger (chlorine cooler). The chlorine ended up in the cooling water system and was emitted to the outside air via the cooling water well. One person became unwell as a result of inhaling the chlorine cloud. Road and train traffic in the vicinity of the plant, including local roads and part of the A15 motorway, was halted for about 2.5 hours.

Significance score:


Shortened investigation report with lessons learned: - The occurrence of the corrosion holes in the CuNi pipes of the chlorine cooler - The investigation of staff into the cause of the leakage at the time of the accident

Target Group(s):

  • HSE managers
  • Site managers
  • Strategic leadership
  • Supervisors

Risk Theme:

  • Monitoring and Learning - Learning from Incidents
Category Publisher Maker Language

Incident onderzoek


Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid (OVV)
