The SAQ 2.0 and SAQ Light are ready for use and can be downloaded free of charge from the Safety First website. A user manual and a short instruction video have also been made to facilitate the application.

The SAQ 2.0 is an improved version of the SAQ (Self Assessment Questionnaire) developed in 2015 and consists of a series of questions on hardware (installations), software (systems) and mindware (culture and behaviour).

With the help of the SAQ 2.0, you can make a judgement on these issues and draw up an action plan for further improvement.
The SAQ Light is the little brother or sister of the SAQ 2.0. By answering a limited number of questions, you can obtain a good first impression of the safety level in your company and you will be able to draw up an improvement plan. You can then explore a subject of your choice in more depth using the SAQ 2.0. The SAQ Light version is particularly intended for beginning Brzo companies, SMEs that work with hazardous substances and so-called ARIE companies.

In cooperation with Veiligheid Voorop, SDN is developing an e-learning for the application of the SAQ Light. You can find the test version here.

Click on the QR code to go to

e-learning SAQ Light

or scan with your mobile phone.

21 October 2021