2 October 2023 19:51
Safety Delta Netherlands - Virtual Safety Assistant
Find, connect, renew in safety
SDN.ai is een prototype chatbot, met kennis over (proces) veiligheid bij Nederlandse Brzo bedrijven.
Frequently asked questions about SDN.ai
What is SDN.ai?
SDN.ai is a prototype artificial intelligence chatbot tailored to knowledge about (process) safety at Dutch Brzo companies.
SDN.ai uses OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model and a collection of more than 3,000 knowledge elements that can be found on the websites of SDN, BRZOPLUS and PGS, for example.
What does SDN.ai do?
SDN.ai can conduct dialogues with a (human) user.
In doing so, SDN.ai behaves like an actual research assistant dedicated to providing accurate information. The task of the chatbot is to provide reliable and clear answers to questions. The answers are based only on the information made available by SDN in the chatbot's knowledge base.
The chatbot is set to be reluctant to make assertions unless they are stated or supported by the knowledge base. In cases where a definitive answer is not available, the chatbot says it cannot respond.
The chatbot's answers are in the same language as the question. The chatbot recognizes more than 90 languages.
Why SDN.ai and why now?
The SDN Knowledge Center's vision is: Collected knowledge provides the latest insights on topics agreed upon by (triple helix) parties, has been tested in practice, is easy to implement and leads to rapid improvements. The SDN Knowledge Center is looking for new ways to make this collected knowledge available. An intelligent AI assistant (chatbot) could help.
Since early 2023, low-cost software tools and services that offer chatbots, such as ChatGPT, can be trained with their own knowledge base. With this software, there is no longer any need to track down manuals or search through endless documents yourself. The tool analyzes all documents collected in its own knowledge base (PDFs, Web pages, Powerpoints) and acts as an expert to answer questions within seconds. Thus, there is no need for keyword searches and no need to provide context every time.
SDN.ai uses https://meetcody.ai/ which provides a chatbot based on OpenAI GPT-3.5 technology. The tool provides the resources used to arrive at an answer.
Experimentation with SDN.ai aims to offer reliable knowledge about security to users in an accessible way. To this end, a prototype has been developed. Through feedback from users, their questions and the SDN.ai answers, efforts will be made to improve the prototype.
What's in the SDN.ai knowledge base?
SDN.ai's chatbot accesses the following types of information obtained from Safety Delta Netherlands' websites, BRZOPLUS, the Publicatiereeks Gevaarlijke Stoffen and the Dutch Government Gazette:
- Legal requirements and guidelines: Sevese Directive, Brzo 2015.
- Standards and Best Available Techniques: PGS
- Inspection results Dutch Brzo companies: BRZOPLUS
- Information on safety topics: reference works and tools selected by SDN
- (Limited) information on security projects: SDN
What is OpenAI GPT?
GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is a language model that has been trained using both "supervised" and "reinforcement" learning techniques. This involved the use of human trainers to enhance the performance of the model.
In the case of supervised learning, the model featured conversations in which trainers played both sides: both in the role of user and AI assistant. In the reinforcement step, human trainers first ranked the responses the model had created in a previous conversation. These rankings were used to create "reward models" upon which the model was further refined.
A chatbot based on GPT remembers previous prompts given in the same conversation.
Such a chatbot does suffer from several limitations. The main one is giving sometimes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers. This is called hallucination.
How do I ask a good question of SDN.ai?
SDN.ai behaves as an actual research assistant that uses an SDN knowledge set to provide the most accurate information possible. The more specific the question, the more likely a useful answer.
- According to the Seveso Directive, what are the legal requirements for a safety management system? Give examples of elements of a safety management system? How do I do performance measurements?
- What PGS guidelines exist? Give an example of measures numbered M1, M2, M3 from the Hazardous Substances Publication Series 29. where can I find the PGS guidelines?
- Why is a good safety culture important? What are examples of a good safety culture? How do you create a good safety culture?
- Why is preventing plant aging important? How do you prevent obsolescence? What is the Asset Management Roadmap?
WARNING: sometimes answers sound plausible yet are incorrect or nonsensical. Therefore, check the SDN.ai answers independently before deciding to blindly follow or apply a suggestion!