Project: Process Safety Quickscan (Pilot)


Het testen van de QuickScan rond procesveiligheid bij een bedrijf.
Een SDN KennisMakelaar doet een ‘tailor-made’ evaluatie van de controls rond de door het bedrijf aangegeven belangrijkste (proces)veiligheidsrisico’s. Daarnaast wordt gekeken naar eventuele blinde vlekken.
Resultaten worden gedeeld met het bedrijf in de vorm van top 5 positieve punten en top 5 punten waar ruimte is voor verbetering.
Verder wordt informatie (geanonimiseerd) opgeslagen in een SDN risico controls observatie database.


Code: RCA 2021-02

Status: Execution

Update: 5 May 2022


Testing the QuickScan to enable an SDN Knowledge Broker to quickly and consistently assess the status of a company's controls for managing key process safety risks relevant to its operations.

Expected result

Participating companies strengthen their capacity to learn from incidents at the organisational level by:

  • An assessment of the status of the control by an independent Knowledge Broker (expert) provides the company with low-threshold insight into the positive points that must certainly be retained and into possible points for improvement concerning process safety (culture). For the latter, the Knowledge Broker can refer to available concepts and expertise.

for SDN:

  • Systematic inventory of better practices and potential improvement topics per industry segment.

  • Points of improvement for the QuickScan: methodology, risk framework, implementation on site.

Date Initiation 11 January 2021
Risk theme Risk | Control | Assurance / Internal | External Supervision
User group -----

Why participate?

Participants support the testing of the Quick Scan in practice and at the same time gain insight during the scan, which lasts for one day, into strengths and areas for improvement regarding Process Safety - Integrity Management in a company.

Expected contribution per company: at least 24 hours in-kind of people working on safety every day for:

  • Pre-consultation with company representative(s)
  • Staff participation in interviews during implementation of QuickScan
  • Management Review: feedback of observations by Knowledge broker

Time period: Quarter 2, 2021 - Quarter 4, 2022

Project Progress

Information on project progress is only available to participants - you need to request access and log in at the SDN programme office.