RIVM 2020-0198: Assessing the safety perception and information needs of local residents around chemical clusters. Perception survey Chemelot

[ Source: RIVM, https://www.rivm.nl/publicaties/peilen-van-veiligheidsbeleving-en-informatiebehoeften-van-omwonenden-rond, DOI: 10.21945/RIVM-2020-0198 ]


Limburg is home to a large group of chemical companies, Chemelot. The RIVM has investigated how safe people who live in the vicinity feel. That feeling differs: people who live closer to Chemelot feel unsafe more often than people who live further away. They also experience more nuisance and have a greater need for information.

Residents may feel unsafe if the situation is different from 'normal'. For example, a strange noise, a brown plume of smoke or a release of hazardous substances. This feeling of unsafety usually subsides when the situation returns to normal.

The feeling of safety is related to the trust that people have in the government and Chemelot: the greater the trust, the safer people feel. Just over half of local residents have confidence in the safety measures being taken. Less than half of those living in the neighbourhood trust Chemelot and the authorities to communicate in a timely, honest and open manner about safety in the neighbourhood.

Residents, especially those living close to Chemelot, want information about what they can do in the event of an accident or how they will be warned. They also want this information about normal activities that take place in the vicinity, such as maintenance. However, people often do not actively seek out this information. The people who do, do not always understand the information and often do not find what they are looking for.

This has emerged from research by the RIVM. The RIVM has developed a method to gauge how people living in the vicinity of chemical companies experience safety. To this end, a questionnaire was drawn up and interviews were held with (groups of) residents. The method provides a good picture of how people perceive safety, and can therefore be used as a basis for surveys of other chemical companies. Additional questions are needed to tie in with local themes and needs.


Date of publication:

April 2021



Number of pages:




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