RIVM report 2021-0050: Climate change-and-brzo companies

[ Source: RIVM, https://www.rivm.nl/publicaties/voorbereiding-van-brzo-bedrijven-op-klimaatverandering ]


Climate change is increasing the likelihood of flooding, peak rainfall, drought and heat waves in the Netherlands. The chemical industry is required by law to prepare for these events. This keeps the chance of accidents, and thus the risk to the environment, small. An earlier analysis by the RIVM showed that companies do not clearly indicate in their safety reports how they are preparing for these events.

The RIVM, the Econos consultancy and the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management therefore worked with companies to draw up an overview of the dangers and possible measures. By brainstorming together, they were able to share knowledge and learn from each other. Companies can use the overview to analyze the hazards in their own situation and take targeted measures. The competent authority can also use the overview to assess whether companies are sufficiently prepared.

It was found that the companies do not yet plan to analyze what problems may arise in the event of an impending flood, heat wave and the like. It is important that they become aware of the dangers and devise solutions for them in advance. For example, it is important that companies know how much time they have to take measures in the event of a threat. They must also ensure that enough people are available to carry out the measures. It turns out that customization is necessary because threats can differ from company to company.


Date of publication:

June 25, 2021



Number of pages:




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