A Look Into the Future of Health and Safety, Adel Lawson
One of the common topics that come up when general health and safety discussions are taking place is the future of the profession and what health and safety practitioners will likely be doing in say twenty or even thirty years’ from now. In this opinionated article, Adel Lawson discusses four key elements which he believes can shed a light on the possible future of our industry as a result of some of the current early trends taking place within the health and safety profession. Trends that are likely to guide us into a future that is very different from what we are used to today.
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Wat zijn externe trends of verwachte verandering op midden en lange termijn?
- HSE managers
- Strategisch leiderschap
- Tactisch leiderschap
- Safety Culture and Leadership - Opleidingen
- Veiligheidscultuur en leiderschap - Veiligheidskunde
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