Handreiking | Approved Code of Practice and guidance – Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations

This Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and guidance provide practical advice on how to comply with the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR). These Regulations require the elimination or reduction of risk of fire and explosion from substances connected with work activities. The ACOP is primarily for an informed and experienced audience such as health and safety professionals. It applies to workplaces that manufacture, store, process or use dangerous substances as defined in this publication. This second edition of L138 incorporates the four previous DSEAR ACOPs on design, storage, control and safe maintenance. The consolidated ACOP text and guidance have been simplified, streamlined, and restructured to help the reader. No significant new duties are placed on businesses that are in compliance with the replaced ACOPs, although the content has been updated in light of changes to European and domestic legislation, such as substance classification and labelling and general fire safety. The Regulations themselves are unchanged.

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  • Process Safety - Asset Integrity Management - Algemeen
Categorie Uitgever Maker Taal



UK Government - Health and Safety Executive
