Minnerva Portal - JRC publications on Chemical an Natech Accident Risk

MINERVA is: • the European Commission Joint Research Centre's KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM on Chemical Accident Prevention and Preparedness; • managed and maintained by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission; • is a multi-annual initiative within the Joint Research Centre (JRC) that aims to work in all the phases of the knowledge management cycle: knowledge gathering, knowledge organisation, knowledge analysis, knowledge production and knowledge visualisation.

Duiding score:


Rich repository of publications on lessons learned bulletins, good practise exchanges, accident analysis, guidance for Seveso Directive implementation, et.


  • Beleidsmakers
  • HSE managers
  • Toezichthouders


  • Monitoring and Learning - Leren van Incidenten
  • Risk | Control | Assurance - Algemeen
Categorie Uitgever Maker Taal


Incident onderzoek


Europese Commissie
