Description eMars database

The eMARS database is a lessons learned database in accordance with the purpose stated in the Seveso Directive (2012/18/EU). To preserve its nature as an objective source of lessons learned information, and maintain the willingness of authorities and operators to provide an honest and detailed account of what really happened, in order to prevent future similar incidents, the identifying information of the name of the sites and the location of the incidents in the database is not publicly disclosed.

Significance score:


The Major Accident Reporting System (MARS and later renamed eMARS after going online) was first established by the EU’s Seveso Directive 82/501/EEC in 1982 and has remained in place with subsequent revision to the Seveso Directive in effect today. The purpose of the eMARS is to facilitate exchange of lessons learned from accidents and near misses involving dangerous substances in order to improve chemical accident prevention and mitigation of potential consequences. eMARS contains reports of chemical accidents and near misses provided to the Major Accident Hazards Bureau (MAHB) of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) from EU, EEA, OECD, and UNECE countries (under the TEIA Convention). Reporting an event into eMARS is compulsory for EU Member States when a Seveso establishment is involved and the event meets the criteria of a “major”accident” as defined by Annex VI of the Seveso III Directive (201218/EU). For non-EU OECD and UNECE countries, reporting accidents to the eMARS database is voluntary. The information of the reported event is entered into eMARS directly by the official reporting authority of the country in which the event occurred.

Target Group(s):

  • Policy makers
  • HSE managers
  • Supervisors

Risk Theme:

  • Monitoring and Learning - Learning from Incidents
Category Publisher Maker Language



European Commission
