HSE-management in het tijdperk van Artificial Intelligence: Veelbelovend voorspellend model voor procesveiligheid in ontwikkeling

Chemelot aims to be the safest, most competitive and most sustainable site in Western Europe by 2025. Brightsite is helping Chemelot with several projects. Within programme line 4 'Securing integral process safety and societal acceptance', we focus on the development of a predictive model for process safety. A first version shows that modelling with the aid of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning offers opportunities to significantly improve safety in the chemical industry.

Significance score:


Example of innovation in predicting process safety performance using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Target Group(s):

  • Maintenance managers
  • Operations managers
  • Site managers

Risk Theme:

  • Monitoring and Learning - General
Category Publisher Maker Language

Project informatie


