Practical help with complex BRZO issues

De vertaalslag BRZO-wetgeving naar praktijk vraagt veel van mkb-chemie. De handreiking Process Safety Management Aanpak (PSMA) helpt hierbij. Het vervolgproject zet in op meer peer reviews bij mkb en opzetten PSMA-netwerk. VNCI artikel 7 december 2020

Significance score:


Together with its members, the VNCI developed the Process Safety Management Approach (PSMA). This is a practical and convenient publication with seven fundamental building blocks for a process safety management system. Participating companies in the pilot project are enthusiastic about the more in-depth process safety measures they have taken together.

Target Group(s):

  • HSE managers
  • Operations managers

Risk Theme:

  • Process Safety - Asset Integrity Management - General
  • Risk | Control | Assurance - General
Category Publisher Maker Language



