What determines the perception of safety of people living in the vicinity of a company or business cluster?

Veiligheidsbeleving hangt samen met meerdere factoren: (i) het aantal (ervaren) incidenten en overlast, (ii) het gebied dat aan gevaren of overlast wordt blootgesteld, (iii) het vertrouwen dat mensen hebben in de handelwijze van een bedrijf of bedrijvencluster en de regulerende instantie die in hun ogen beiden voor de veiligheid dienen te zorgen (iv) de mate waarin mensen zich goed geïnformeerd voelen en (v) de mate waarin mensen zich zelf verantwoordelijk voelen voor hun veiligheid. Ref. RIVM-rapport 2020-0198

Significance score:


In 2020, RIVM was commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management to survey the safety perception and information needs of people living near the Chemelot chemical cluster. The survey was conducted among 5,000 residents of the municipalities of Beek, Beekdaelen, Echt-Susteren, Sittard-Geleen and Stein. They were asked how they experience safety around Chemelot and what safety information they would like to receive. In the autumn, the results of a questionnaire survey were discussed with residents from the participating municipalities in three focus groups. This provided insights into perceptions of safety, confidence, self-sufficiency and information needs.

Target Group(s):

  • Policy makers
  • HSE managers
  • Site managers
  • Supervisors

Risk Theme:

  • Safety Culture and Leadership - Communicating with the environment
Category Publisher Maker Language

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