RIVM 2012-620089002: Safety performance indicators for the safety management system of BRZO companies - Preliminary study

[Source: RIVM, https://www.rivm.nl/publicaties/veiligheidsprestatie-indicatoren-voor-veiligheidsbeheerssysteem-van-brzo-bedrijven ]


Companies that work with large quantities of dangerous substances fall under the Besluit Risico's Zware Ongevallen (BRZO). They must therefore comply with specific rules to prevent major accidents with serious consequences for people and the environment. These companies are under supervision of the Inspectorate SZW (formerly the Labour Inspectorate), among others. The Inspectorate assesses whether a so-called safety management system (VBS) is in place, whether it is tailored to the risks present and whether it works properly. An inventory carried out by RIVM shows that it is possible to use safety performance indicators when assessing a safety management system. A set of such indicators for the VBS was subsequently initiated. It is not yet clear whether this set can be used by the Inspectorate for Social Affairs and Employment.

Indicators can indicate how well a company controls its hazards
The purpose of safety performance indicators is to provide information on the safety performance of a company. They can play an important role in communication and indicate how well the company controls its major hazards.

Initial impetus for a set of safety performance indicators
The set of safety performance indicators is based on an exploration of scientific literature and information from companies, including twelve BRZO companies. The next phase is to examine whether the set of safety performance indicators meets the criteria set for them and whether they fit in with the indicators that some companies have already developed themselves. Finally, the usability for the Inspectorate SZW will be further investigated.


Date of publication:

19 September 2012



Number of pages:




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