AADV: Anders Denken en Doen

A single digital source of information on permits will be available in South Holland for competent authorities, environmental services, companies and citizens: Altijd Actuele Digitale Vergunning (AADV). This will provide an always up-to-date insight into the (environmental) permit regulations that apply to companies with the province of South Holland as competent authority. This article provides information about the AADV program.

Significance score:


What are external trends or expected mid- and long-term change? What management measures are available? How are control measures implemented?

Target Group(s):

  • Policy makers
  • HSE managers
  • Strategic leadership
  • Tactical leadership
  • Supervisors

Risk Theme:

  • Risk | Control | Assurance - Internal | External Supervision
  • Risk | Control | Assurance - Permits | Supervision | Enforcement
Category Publisher Maker Language



DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond
