Rapport | IOGP Safety performance indicators – Tier 1 en Tier 2 Process Safety Events – 2022 data
[ Source: IOGP website – https://data.iogp.org/ ]
In response to a number of major incidents, the oil and gas industry has identified opportunities to improve Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for monitoring and review within management systems in order to more proactively identify and address barrier weaknesses.
In this Report, 2022 data are published together with 2013-2021 data. The Process Safety Event (PSE) data presented in this Report are based on the numbers of Tier 1 and Tier 2 PSE reported by participating IOGP Member Companies, broken down for onshore and offshore drilling and production activities.
The Tier 1 and Tier 2 data presented have been normalized against reported work hours associated with drilling and production activities to provide PSE rates. Tier 3 and Tier 4 process safety KPIs are not included in this report as they are primarily intended for use at a company or facility level.
The main points in the annual process safety performance data reporting are reflected in a summary report. In 2022 the Tier 1 rate is 0.12 PSE per million workhours, Tier 2 is 0.37 PSE per million work hours. Consequences of Tier 1 PSE: 78.0% material release, 10.2% fire or explosion, 8.6% fatality or Lost Workday Case, 3.2% Pressure Relieve Device discharge. Top causal factors assigned to Tier 1 PSE include: inadequate maintenance/inspection/testing, inadequate design specification/management of change, inadequate/defective tools/equipment/materials/products.
In addition the company submitted narratives for Tier 1 PSE, fatal incident, and high potential process safety events have been made available in a supplement report.